Saturday, February 28 - Wednesday, March 4|Hong Kong Camp
These posters were created as a part of "Special Research Seminar B," conducted in Hong Kong, February 28-March 4, 2015. In this project, Keio students interviewed CityU students in casual (informal) fashion via fieldwork and site visits, worked on poster designs, and made presentations on the final day. A poster is like a mirror, but what it illustrates is not a mere reflection of yourself. Rather, it is a reflection of how you've been "seen" by others. A poster will contribute, to some extent, to create a moment at which one can reflect upon him/herself, and to recognize the relationships with others.
We thank Dr. Elaine Au and participants from the City-Youth Empowerment Project (CYEP), City University of Hong Kong, for their support toward a joyfull completion of the project.
今回の滞在中に制作したポスターです。加藤研の学生が、香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)の学生とペアを組んで(3人グループもふくむ)、フィールドワークや施設訪問をしながらインタビューをおこない、最終日のプレゼンテーションに向けてポスターのデザインをすすめました。