Letting the posters speak
These posters were created as a part of the "Hiroshima Camp," conducted in Hiroshima, on December 15-17, 2017. In this project, Keio students interviewed foreign students in the "TAOYAKA" program through informal (casual) talk, strolling on the Campus, site visits, and so on. Then, they worked on poster designs, to make presentations on the final day. A poster is like a mirror, but what it illustrates is not a mere reflection of oneself. Rather, it is a reflection of how an individual has been "seen" by others. A poster will contribute, to some extent, to create a moment at which one can reflect upon him/herself, and to recognize the relationships with others.
We thank Dr. Nao Ishikawa and participants from the "TAOYAKA" Program, Hiroshima University, for their support toward a joyfull completion of the project.
「広島キャンプ」で制作したポスターを展示します。* 12月17日(日)12:30から、文学研究科/文学部 B201教室(〒739-8522 広島県東広島市鏡山1-2-3)で成果報告会をおこないます。
「たおやかな人びと」のポスター展。成果報告です。 #hirop
いい感じ。「たおやかな人びと」のポスター展、 #hirop #vanotica17f